Duneit wrote:
I have 5 uni air box little circle filters cut into air box also.
Those little filters DO NOTHING to they are like drilling Five 1/4" holes in your air box by time you factor in all the restrictions like the foam, filter oil, support plastic to keep the filter in place etc. add 40 of them filters to your air box you might see some benefits . Air takes the least opposition to flow the air sucks through the large open factory opening long before considering flowing through those little restrictive Uni filters the factory hole flow also LOWERS the negative pressure inside the air box compounding the problem because of the less negative static pressure at the location of the Uni filters.
Remove the lid off the air box (not recommended other than testing) or do the PROVEN air box mod where you double the intake openings.
I would remove the uni filters and seal the holes water tight before you end up sucking water into your
Engine $$$$ I have seen that water sucking act on other ATV's in the past guys that "never ride water" blasting through water after the unexpected freak rain storms during ride trips. No location on the Pilot air box is safe for those type filters.
What prompted you to replace the carb, what are you replacing it with?