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PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:37 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:40 pm
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Ok we have reached that point where its affecting my sleep so I am dumping this here, I know its a subject NOBODY wants to talk about much less face but I feel its my duty to put this out there to help my fellow man, this was NOT intended to offend or to stress out others sooner or later were ALL going to have to FACE this head on one way or the other its NOT going away. Sorry in advance. Follow the links below.

Excess Deaths - The Reality ... kind=video ... s+the+data ... ess+deaths ... ws&ia=news ... &ia=videos

Again sorry this could not be more uplifting or positive. Feel free to copy paste this anywhere you want to direct others, and or modify, contribute etc.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:49 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:40 pm
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Want to expand your knowledge and contribute, then contribute your findings read the below for pointers.

Using enter into the search box Excess Deaths +

Go here to search for PDF files on the subject type in Excess Deaths then type in Covid death rate

Then enter covid ivermectin + filetype:pdf

Now same search at DuckDuckGo ... fab&ia=web see the difference

Stop searching for porn and READ the PDF's, while reading you will stumble on more Search Words on the subjects so search for them. For example while reading I found another search term " all cause mortality pdf " (search without the quotes) then change it up again all-cause mortality without the PDF on the end. Using the PDF on the end will get you to more scientific data.

NOTE: While in DuckDuckGo click on Images Videos and News to see more related.

Source: ... tion-fast/

Keep in mind no matter how we all feel, THIS IS NOT POLITICAL, I call it survival mode, its time to pull together, I want it made CLEAR that no mocking others for being unvaccinated OR vaccinated will be tolerated I want to keep the focus on getting through this by working together, people who know me well know I am more than a humanitarian than anything else, these are tough times and IMHO its going to get worse before it gets better, this is why I can no longer bite my tongue. The FACTS support my thoughts and concerns, as always feel free at anytime to correct me where I am wrong.

Depending where this goes keep in mind I can create new categories in a separate area if requested.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:03 pm 

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Moderna’s top scientist: ‘We are actually hacking the software of life’

Dr. Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer at Moderna Inc., explained in a 2017 TED talk how the company’s mRNA vaccine was designed to work.

Over the last 30 years, he said, “we’ve been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I’m here today to tell you, that we are actually hacking the software of life, and that it’s changing the way we think about prevention and treatment of disease.”

He went on to explain [see video below] that the human body is made up of organs and organs are made up of cells.

“In every cell there’s this thing called messenger RNA or mRNA for short, that transmits the critical information from the DNA in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we’re all made out of. This is the critical information that determines what the cell will do. So we think about it as an operating system.

“So if you could change that, if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer.”

For the rest of the article ----> ... e-of-life/

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:41 pm 

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liduno wrote:
Forgive my laziness, I only clicked on 1 link because I have the attention span of a But are you saying the vaccines are causing a 20% rise in deaths?

You need to research and decide for yourself.

One of my medications DESTROYS my immune system, when Covid broke out I started researching everything about Covid and having a weaken immune system, this was before anyone in the US died from Covid, the first thing I did was go to the pharmacy and buy up all the vitamin's that was labeled Boost Immunity then started researching each one and taking that applied to me.

Later when they announced they have a vaccine ready I did a deep dive into the techonolgy (mRNA) and I ran across the inventor of mRNA Dr. Robert Malone, while researching him I discovered HE SAID the vaccine would NEVER WORK and mRNA had no place in the human body. A year later I discovered about 2 weeks after the virus broke out in Wuhan China the CIA was making calls to Dr. Robert Malone asking questions about his mRNA work, this is his words, there is a video of him stating this.

Same with the inventor of the PCR test Kary Mullis he said the PCR test was 97% inaccurate 100% of the time and should NOT BE USED, he is dead now RESEARCH him yourself. You will have to do a deep search YouTube owned by Google is blocking most info.

All my research early on claimed if your immune compromised as I am do not take any of the Covid vaccines. Since the risk of death is low, and doing nothing you have a 97% chance of surviving Covid, higher if you take Vitamins D C Zinc and Quercetin takes the chances of surviving to 99% if infected. Research Dr. Zelenko and his protocol, he is in dozens of videos found on and

Dr. Zelenko passed away not long ago he was battling cancer before Covid hit, he treated thousands with his protocol with great success again watch the videos.

That said Ive been following the whole Covid thing since day one, wish now I would have started another forums and documented all my research as I discovered it.

Have you seen all the healthy young sports players dropping dead in the games or events, globally, when in the history of humanity has that happen in this great of numbers, they all had one thing in common they were vaccinated.

Most the "conspiracy theories" have been proven as FACT there is only 1-2 left from 2019, they have concluded now Ivermectin WORKS after millions died.

I have a huge list of doctors names you can research like Dr. Peter McCullough

Also research " Mass Formation Psychosis "

I can not offer any medical advice I am not a doctor I can point you to some information NONE of the main stream media will dare cover.

Hopefully you will discover something I/we missed and share.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 10:13 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:51 pm
Posts: 819
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The Johnson and Johnson vaccine wasn’t mRNA was it? My girl is a cancer survivor and after some research we decided to get the J&J. Like you, her immune system was compromised.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 6:54 am 

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liduno wrote:
The Johnson and Johnson vaccine wasn’t mRNA was it? My girl is a cancer survivor and after some research we decided to get the J&J. Like you, her immune system was compromised.

I would suggest everybody keep researching the vaccines regardless of brand make model AND if they are vaccinated OR Unvaccinated, were all in this together IGNORE the DIVISION and STIGMAS the current administration is promoting, forcing on Americans. ... led&ia=web
EDIT added link ---> ... fab&ia=web
I also included Unvaccinated because of the " Vaccine Shedding " theories ... oronavirus ... o&sort=new

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:31 am 

Joined: Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:51 pm
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Moved to viewtopic.php?f=199&t=20915 we can continue the conversation there.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 6:50 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:40 pm
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Interesting, the most interesting part is the video is still on YouTube (Google)

A CDC report from late August states 39.1% of people hospitalized with COVID-19 had a “primary vaccination series” plus one booster dose. The same report notes five percent of those who’ve received two doses (or even more) had a 5% hospitalization rate.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 6:53 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:40 pm
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Its compilations like this that made me take notice.

Compilation of 1,000 athletes and sports-related incidences from March 2021 to 16 June 2022 ... collapsing

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 9:17 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:39 pm
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Who knows if the media will ever acknowledge the side effects of the jab. I had a friend almost die from it. Within 4 hours of the jab he had a stroke and spent 3 weeks in ICU after that. Doctors refused to acknowledge any correlation to the jab. Until these pharmaceutical companies are held accountable for their product, there will never be transparency. A bigger question is why don't they have any accountability? How can you mandate a vaccine without any accountability? If it kills you no one is held responsible! Follow the money.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 16, 2022 9:49 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:40 pm
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Duneit wrote:
Who knows if the media will ever acknowledge the side effects of the jab. I had a friend almost die from it. Within 4 hours of the jab he had a stroke and spent 3 weeks in ICU after that. Doctors refused to acknowledge any correlation to the jab. Until these pharmaceutical companies are held accountable for their product, there will never be transparency. A bigger question is why don't they have any accountability? How can you mandate a vaccine without any accountability? If it kills you no one is held responsible! Follow the money.

Your buddies Vaccine Injury DOES NOT COUNT!

Only Vaccine Injuries AFTER 30 DAYS of being jabbed COUNT! Convenient, when they created that rule its almost like they knew something.

Biden said if you get vaccinated you will not get Covid and you will not infect your Nanna, I know 2 people who ONLY got Jabbed because they were worried about infecting their elderly grandparents then found out it was just all a lie, in this time period hundreds of top scientist were asking for the human trials and Fauci started his "Trust the science, I am science" campaign.

"Do You Trust Your Government" Roger Waters... Ironic he was under lock down when he created this video.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 9:32 am 

Joined: Sun Sep 05, 2021 8:37 am
Posts: 91
It's hard to know what to believe. I can only add my unscientific personal experiences and observations.

It seems to me that there are more "died unexpectedly" type obituaries these days then I remember of people in their 50's and 60's. Some of it could be because of overdoses and suicides, which are also becoming distressingly more common.

About six months ago one of my acquaintances in his 40's died suddenly while exercising on a rowing machine. He was slightly overweight but I don't know that he had any underlying conditions. My friend's Dad died 3 months ago while on a treadmill at a rehab center. He was in early 70's but in good health for his age and was still operating his veterinarian practice. I don't know if either had gotten the vaccine but based on their personalities my guess would be yes. I have heard anecdotal second-hand accounts of other people having unexpected cardiac events (i.e. no prior history of heart trouble)

My daughter works in a nursing home and got the Pfizer vaccine and booster a while ago. About a two months ago she was not feeling well so went in for a checkup. Her blood pressure was like 180 over 120. She is 23 years old, 5'5" and weighs about 110 lbs. Not someone you'd expect to have a problem with high blood pressure. When they did tests they detected something in her blood or urine (I forget which) that suggested there had been some damage to her kidneys but I guess it wasn't enough for them to do further testing. They just prescribed her a mild blood pressure medication and sent her on her way. She had preeclampsia when she was pregnant with her son, and they said it could have been because of that. But that was 4 years ago and this blood pressure problem only manifested itself recently. A few weeks ago, when I was causally reading some news articles, I saw that the Pfizer vaccine had some reports of kidney damage. Certainly makes you go hmmmm.

Everyone in my close family did get the vaccine (wife, daughters, son-in-law, brother, father, mother-in-law) and with the possible exception of my one daughter, I don't know that they've had any lasting side effects. I myself did not get the covid vaccine and I never caught it that I know of. Although I did catch something in the summer of 2020 that had me feeling pretty lousy for a few days and based on my symptoms I think there's a decent chance it was covid. I've had maybe two or three little bouts with something in the last 12 months that lasted maybe a day or two and left me feeling run down.

I have several friends (mostly guys, but some gals) that did not get the vaccine and either have not caught covid or caught it and did not get very ill. They are in age ranges 40's to 60's. One of our former employees and his wife did not get the vaccine and they caught covid and got pretty ill. They are both in their 70's and had health problems. Obesity, diabetes in particular but possibly other issues that tend to go hand-in-hand. My friend's father caught covid in late 2020, during the worst of it, and died. He was in his late 70's and was dealing with a failing kidney transplant and was a life-long smoker.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 10:03 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:40 pm
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Plandemic 1 and 2 Raise your hand if you've watched them, they been out for months. ... ctornation

Raise your hand if you bought the Ivermectin crapola, it started on the FACT CHECKING Chinese Disinformation site TikTok spread like wildfire billions bought into the narrative NOW its proven FACT Ivermectin has always worked, Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize, millions died because they were under Mass Formation Psychosis, they were watching there weekly sitcoms letting the Biden Admin do their thinking for them.

You do realize TikTok is Chinese owned and the people in China can NOT SEE what is on the TicToc Americans can view, China BLOCKS the American version, you should see the content the Chinese see on their TikToc.

Fauci said day one Covid is a aerosol and mask would never work, Fauci stated the size of Covid, having industrial training for wearing Mask and Respirators in Neuclar Power industry Mining Industry etc. my training confirmed a N95 mask was a joke then a week later sheep were all wearing mask lmao

HINT aerosol = wearing the respiration protection of your choice then spraying air freshener if you can smell it your UNPROTECTED

Look for the white dot in the pic, like Fauci says Follow The Science
1dbd730127b6fc880e3e0efb4814d14f_500x0.jpg [ 26.37 KiB | Viewed 3324 times ]

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 11:38 am 

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Cant wait for Part 3 to be released

Watch the trailer it explains what "Mass Formation Psychosis " is.

The real show starts when the people snaps out of "Mass Formation Psychosis "
37 Months.jpeg
37 Months.jpeg [ 71.53 KiB | Viewed 3320 times ]

We the people already has more than 450 million firearms why they buying more, was it the 37K ARMED IRS agents or the "Mass Formation Psychosis " wearing off, something is generating sales. Look at ammunition sales.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 12:18 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:40 pm
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OddFella wrote:
It's hard to know what to believe. I can only add my unscientific personal experiences and observations.

It seems to me that there are more "died unexpectedly" type obituaries these days then I remember of people in their 50's and 60's. Some of it could be because of overdoses and suicides, which are also becoming distressingly more common.

About six months ago one of my acquaintances in his 40's died suddenly while exercising on a rowing machine. He was slightly overweight but I don't know that he had any underlying conditions. My friend's Dad died 3 months ago while on a treadmill at a rehab center. He was in early 70's but in good health for his age and was still operating his veterinarian practice. I don't know if either had gotten the vaccine but based on their personalities my guess would be yes. I have heard anecdotal second-hand accounts of other people having unexpected cardiac events (i.e. no prior history of heart trouble)

My daughter works in a nursing home and got the Pfizer vaccine and booster a while ago. About a two months ago she was not feeling well so went in for a checkup. Her blood pressure was like 180 over 120. She is 23 years old, 5'5" and weighs about 110 lbs. Not someone you'd expect to have a problem with high blood pressure. When they did tests they detected something in her blood or urine (I forget which) that suggested there had been some damage to her kidneys but I guess it wasn't enough for them to do further testing. They just prescribed her a mild blood pressure medication and sent her on her way. She had preeclampsia when she was pregnant with her son, and they said it could have been because of that. But that was 4 years ago and this blood pressure problem only manifested itself recently. A few weeks ago, when I was causally reading some news articles, I saw that the Pfizer vaccine had some reports of kidney damage. Certainly makes you go hmmmm.

Everyone in my close family did get the vaccine (wife, daughters, son-in-law, brother, father, mother-in-law) and with the possible exception of my one daughter, I don't know that they've had any lasting side effects. I myself did not get the covid vaccine and I never caught it that I know of. Although I did catch something in the summer of 2020 that had me feeling pretty lousy for a few days and based on my symptoms I think there's a decent chance it was covid. I've had maybe two or three little bouts with something in the last 12 months that lasted maybe a day or two and left me feeling run down.

I have several friends (mostly guys, but some gals) that did not get the vaccine and either have not caught covid or caught it and did not get very ill. They are in age ranges 40's to 60's. One of our former employees and his wife did not get the vaccine and they caught covid and got pretty ill. They are both in their 70's and had health problems. Obesity, diabetes in particular but possibly other issues that tend to go hand-in-hand. My friend's father caught covid in late 2020, during the worst of it, and died. He was in his late 70's and was dealing with a failing kidney transplant and was a life-long smoker.

All the unvaccinated I know who caught covid had symptoms for about 3 days then the symptoms were gone they stayed isolated for 10 or more days, one friend caught it twice working at the Nuke plant during outages where there is 500-700 more employees from 20 different states 5 different countries (specialist) that rush in just for the outage, talk to anyone who has worked at a nuke, you have porthole monitors for security and for radiation detection that 1000 people a day go through, normal outages the flu runs wild.

One unvaccinated almost died, did the ventilator thing had almost a million in medical bills, 99% of his diet was fast food and beer, had not tasted fresh fruit or vegetables since he was a child, he was a Dead Man Walking BEFORE the invention of Covid-19.

ALL the unvaccinated SMOKERS I know NEVER caught Covid, but most of them never do fast food either, note search for biden ban nicotine, anyone think it was strange Biden wanted to ban nicotine in an election year, piss off 100 million voters lol, first it was JUUL then Menthol cigarettes then reduce nicotine by 50%. why the attack on nicotine, all after announcing a really bad virus is coming this fall, you cant make this shit up! Turns out people who use nicotine products almost never get infected, the ones that do have really poor diets or many comorbidities, SOB another conspiracy debunked before it was even a conspiracy, thanks Joe!

Its heart breaking but you gotta DIG DEEP you gotta get past the "Possible Side Affects" and get to what is really happening to people in the real world after being vaccinated, including all brands. Fauci and all the vaccine cheerleaders will NEVER supply you with this information. ... oronavirus

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 12:52 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 15, 2003 2:40 pm
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One of my daily searchers, I think its a pretty good search Engine if you know of other search engines you use regularly please share

The next epidemic thanks to OPEN BORDERS
Keep scrolling down, look at the dates, go back a few months, years if you like, just read the headlines at first then start reading the articles.

A while back there was a huge Fentanyl bust that had enough Fentanyl to kill every American 5x, Fentanyl coming across the borders is WAY BEYOND recreational use, FIRST Americans were dying from Marijuana laced with Fentanyl, those that didn't die are now addicts, something is brewing, research where all the Fentanyl originates, then research why was all their military members given placebos rather than Covid vaccines, research what other countries did the same, clearly the vast majority of American military members were given actual vaccines.

Note if you'd like to know why Marijuana was laced with Fentanyl just ask, I was involved with the ROOT CAUSE, actually lived it, watched the whole thing unfold, made more than 100k making it happen, played a part in Americas destruction.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 10:51 am 

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How long before the murders happen, how long before a grieving family member snaps and seeks revenge on the money grubbing BILLIONAIRE big pharma families that made billions off suppressing hydroxychloroquine, remember when the Ivermectin factory mysteriously burned down.

Steve Deace asked Dr. Risch what was the biggest lie of the last 29 months of COVID pandemic.
Dr. Risch says it was the lies about hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID 19. ... ult-video/

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:56 am 

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How Bad is my Batch? Craid Paardekooper Rachael talks with Craig Paardekooper from HOW BAD IS MY BATCH (dot) com, a "cleaned" set of data about the deaths, disability, hospitalizations and adverse reactions to the various brand name CoronaVirus 19 vaccines available. Craig explains the differences in outcomes in connection to the geography of deployment of the vaccines, illustrating the inconsistency of the mRNA modification products by batch. Craig also offers ideas as to why this is happening, not the least of which is that the clinical trial of this new technology is not over until May 15, 2023. Many people do not realize that they are participating in a study.

Edward Dowd.png
Edward Dowd.png [ 97.85 KiB | Viewed 3269 times ]

Who is Edward Dowd

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 6:56 pm 

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About 15,000 doctors, scientists, and professionals from all around the world declared that there is an international medical crisis due to the diseases and deaths following the administration of products known as “COVID-19 vaccines.”

They are putting it all on the line to save humanity.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 6:57 pm 

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Vaccines are taking an average of 5 months to kill people
The CDC has been hiding the Social Security Administration death master file. I got it from a whistleblower. This shows deaths are taking 5 months from the jab to happen. This is why it's hard to see.

WHY is SS hiding anything? ... dium=email

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 1:52 pm 

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Joe Biden and hundreds of others insisted Vaccines are SAFE and to get them, there are hundreds of videos, you can hear them using their own words. Not sure what Science they were using when they made the claims then created the MANDATES. ... ion&ia=web

"Known or should have known" ... fab&ia=web

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 2:55 pm 

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This lines up very well with the numerous cardiac-related problems related to the vaccine as documented in the study by Retsef Levi and in the VAERS data which showed that the “cardiac arrest” reports were elevated by a factor of 93X higher than the annual baseline rate (VAERS reports from all vaccines combined in previous years). For some reason, the CDC wasn’t able to detect that signal (it was only 100 times higher than normal so they ignored it for some reason; they won’t let me ask them about it). In short, the claims from the manufacturer that none of the deaths were caused by the vaccine are highly suspect since all the evidence for those claims remains hidden from public view for some reason.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 5:47 pm 

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Dr. Robert Malone inverter of the mRNA vaccines said this before the first mRNA vaccine was given to a human. At that time he was treated by the media as if he was a Ivermectin salesman, read the website about Ivermectin, they've changed their tune after millions died. ... id-itself/

Did I tell you about the guy who invented the PCR test, Kary B. Mullis, he won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry NOT Fauci.

They spoke but nobody listened, the Vaccine machines (big pharma profiteers, MSM) tried their best to destroy them.

NEVER FORGET, ignore their backpedaling its not going to help them, my question is where will they hide, many Nazi's successfully hid after WWII, we have the internet now.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 7:57 pm 

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SO why didn't the Pfiser CEO get boosted, how did he get Covid 2 times after two Covid vaccines. ... -boosters/

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:31 pm 

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Top Vaccine Expert and FDA Adviser Says Young Healthy People Should NOT Get the New Booster Shot – No Clear Evidence of Benefit, How come "Trust the science, I am science" Fauci is not delivering the message? WHY is Fauci MIA all the sudden, FULL RETREAT from his FACTS he preached for 2+ years!

2 years ago Dr. Peter McCullough and many other experts said NOT to vaccinate anyone under 18. "First Do No Harm" ... e-benefit/

Remember the 2022 Flu Shots are mRNA vaccines like the Covid vaccines and have the SPIKE proteins, the 2022 Flu vaccine technology has NEVER BEEN TESTED in humans, FDA CDC says humans have replaced, lab rats, mice, puppy dogs in this experiment, good luck, trust your government, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, your mileage may vary

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